The Las Vegas Strip Show™ Release

This Blanket Release ("RELEASE") is executed on the date indicated below in favor of The Las Vegas Strip Show™ ( the Show ), Paul Howard ( the Producer ), personally, his agents, principals, assigns, successors, licensees, and any business entity in which Paul Howard directly or beneficially owns or may own any interest in whatsoever (collectively referred to as Producer). I irrevocably and forever authorize the Producer Paul Howard and The Las Vegas Strip Show™ to publish in print or streaming on the internet, air on television, broadcast publicly and on the radio, reproduce and distribute or sell on video, downloads or streaming files, CDs or DVDs, copy, manipulate, alter, display, exhibit, sell, license, lease, or convey in any way and at any time and any number of times and anywhere throughout the world and or the universe any or all images of me, or audio from or about me and I hold the Producer and the Show harmless of any liability. If submitting video that you own and authorize The Las Vegas Strip Show™ to use, print, complete and sign this release and mail it along with your video content to: The Las Vegas Strip Show™ Box 4000, Felton, CA 95018. All tapes received become the property of The Las Vegas Strip Show™. Tapes and video content will not be returned. Video content used in an episode of The Las Vegas Strip Show™ may receive recognition in the show credits. No money shall be paid now nor in the future for video used in any episode of The Las Vegas Strip Show™.

Talent # 1


Name_____________________________________Driver's Lic. #___________________________


City_________________________________ State_________ Zip___________________________

Contact Phone Number/s____________________________________________________________

Witness Signature__________________________________________________________________

Witness Name_____________________________________________________________________

Talent # 2


Name_____________________________________Driver's Lic. #___________________________


City_________________________________ State_________ Zip___________________________

Contact Phone Number/s____________________________________________________________

Witness Signature__________________________________________________________________

Witness Name_____________________________________________________________________

Copyright Paul Howard Productions 2024